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Handgun and  Ammunition

Training Courses 

CMAG's Firearms Safety Instructors are certified through the USCCA. We provide various courses for all levels.  In addition to providing excellent firearm safety education programs, we specialize in working with women and the LBGTQ+ community. 


Safety is CMAG's Priority!

Always treat every firearm as if it is loaded.

Never point a firearm at anything that you do not intend to destroy.

Keep your finger off of the trigger until you are ready to fire.

Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.

Never try to catch falling guns or gear.

Safely store and/or stage all firearms.


Protect yourself and your family

Maryland Conceal Carry and Wear (CCW)  Course




CMAG Instructors are all certified by the USCCA. We specialize in providing training classes where all are welcome! We offer classes for the LBGTQ+ Community, Women, and First Time Shooters. $300.00





Protect Your Home

Emergency Planning and Preparation





CMAG Instructors are certified by the USCCA to teach Home Defense Courses. In addition, CMAG offers courses to help you prepare for everything from utility outages to how to shelter in place. $30.00





Firearm care and safety

Basic Firearm Safety




Are you a first time shooter looking to take a basic course? Well, this course is for you. Spend time in the classroom learning basic safety skills, then head to the range to learn from one of our certified instructors. $125.00






Field Stripping a Firearm

Firearm Cleaning




Now that you own a firearm, how do you keep it performing well? CMAGs Firearm cleaning course teaches you how to field strip and clean your firearm. Each student is allowed to bring up to 2 firearms (cleared by the instructor prior to entering the classroom). $75.00



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CPR & Stop The Bleed Training

CMAG is certified as a training site for the American Heart Association to teach CPR, First Aid, and Bloodborne Pathogens.


Our organization is also a certified Training Site for the Stop The Bleed Coalition. 


CMAG provides nothing but the best and most effective training available. 

CRP - $85.00

STB - $25.00

Course Disclaimer

CMAG Safety & Defense instructors are certified through the USCCA. Our courses are taught in accordance with both USCCA and Maryland guidelines. Completing the CCW or HQL courses DOES NOT ensure that the Maryland State Police Department licenses you. Once you have completed the course, it is the student's responsibility to apply for their license with the Maryland State Police Department. It is at the sole discretion of the Maryland State Police Department if the student is granted the license or not.  

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